College Teaching
EDEP 6644 @ Virginia Tech
Course Information Instructor Information
EDEP 6644: College Teaching Peter Doolittle
2080 Kraft Drive (CRC) 2039 Kraft Drive (CRC)
Thursdays, 7:00 pm - 9:50 pm
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Instructor Information
Peter Doolittle
2039 Kraft Drive (CRC)
Course Information
EDEP 6644: College Teaching
2080 Kraft Drive (CRC)
Thursdays 7:00-9:50 pm
Course Purpose
How do we foster deep and flexible student learning?
How do we design for deep and flexible learning?
How do we ensure equity and inclusion for all students?
How do we develop a course from first day to final grade?
How do we motivate students to engage in deep & flexible learning?
How do we assess for deep and flexible learning?
Course Description
The vast majority of faculty in higher education have never been taught to teach. Yet, the domain of college teaching has been actively and scientifically explored for more than 100 years. The results of this practical and empirical exploration is more effective and more equitable student learning.
The practice of college teaching should reach beyond one's experience and intuition. Indeed, college teaching practice should be guided by research-based basic and applied knowledge related to human learning, instructional design, human relations and well-being, and human motivation.
How do I plan a new class? Which instructional strategies foster the types of knowledge I want for my students? How do I engage my students in learning? What strategies lead to an equitable instructional environment? What options are there for assessment and grading? Welcome to EDEP 6644 College Teaching.
Concepts Addressed
Active Learning
Proactive Teaching
Student Well‑Being
Common Issues
Instructional Strategies
Teach Well

Be Happy
Course Goals
Goal 1

Students will comprehend the adaptive nature of human learning that is responsible for building complex and integrated mental structures and frameworks, resulting in deep, meaningful, and flexible understanding. (LEARNING)

Goal 2

Students will engage in designing learning-centered instructional environments—from activities to lessons to units to courses—that proactively emphasize the generation and integration of knowledge to promote deep, meaningful, and flexible understanding. (PLANNING)

Goal 3

Students will understand assessment primarily as a component of learning, and only secondarily as a component of grading, and will purposefully integrate assessment into instruction. (ASSESSMENT)

Goal 4

Students will recognize that prior knowledge and experience are the foundation of understanding and will be able to create learning–centered instructional environments that foster a learner's ability to grow their own understanding. (AGENCY)

Goal 5

Students will purposefully implement LEARNING, PLANNING, ASSESSMENT, and AGENCY that fosters deep, meaningful, and flexible understanding. (TEACHING)

Course Pedagogy
Course Readings

The course, in pursuit of its three primary questions, is structured in several parts:

  1. The course, students, & instructors
  2. What is teaching?
  3. How do students learn?
  4. How do we design courses/lessons?
  5. How do we ensure equity?
  6. What is course embedded assessment?
  7. What instructional strategies work?
  8. What are the mechanics of teaching?
Course Login
When you log-in you will have access to the readings, tasks, notes, scores, and more. If this is your first time, then you will need to Sign-Up. If you have forgotten your password, click on Password?.